June 2013

Swinburne’s 3D Printing Interest group gets a CCHS Visitor

Wow, what a busy week.  Please don’t expect this from us every week! On the 29th of May, Darren met with Swinburne University’s 3D interest group to demo his 3D printer and let them know more about CCHS! Angela, from the group, wrote a blog post you can have a read of at http://blogs.swinburne.edu.au/3dprint/entry/introductory_meeting_with_a_real Darren has

Swinburne’s 3D Printing Interest group gets a CCHS Visitor Read More »

Taking CCHS to the streets – Camberwell Sunday Market, 2nd June

Thanks to a suggestion by Booroondara council, CCHS members Andy and Lachlan grabbed a Makerbot, Prusa, UAV, Freetronics cube, Hexapod, Raspberry Pi, and as many cut/printed/routed/milled samples as we could muster, and headed for the Camberwell Market. Having never tried this before, and therefore having modest (if any) expectations, it’s fair to say we were

Taking CCHS to the streets – Camberwell Sunday Market, 2nd June Read More »