We’re playing a bit of catchup here with the blog posts, but enjoy!
On Wednesday the 22nd we ran our first NeoPixels night to focus on what these little beauties can do. There was a brief talk on how they work and then lots of glowing LEDs. For anyone interested, we’re running another session next week.
Andy gives the bare-bones on how neopixels work
Not a bad turnout
Trystan made his own neopixel boards to light up these companion cubes
Possibly the most expensive Christmas star I’ve seen.
Examining a portal.
Strips of LEDs
These things are so bright
3 rows, 60 pixels per meter
Mounting to the desk
Approaching the mystic portal
I’m kind of expecting him to vanish.
We had a few photos from the next week. Tune in later for what’s been happening this week when we hopefully get back up to date! 🙂
Yep, hacking was happening here
Cooling for the laser cutter.
Mark looks a bit sad that he’s just dismantled a giant pile of printers
3d printers make a showing at the cnc night
Rob gave a run-through on how to use the recently refurbished mini-mill