Hi All,
We have had quite a few new people arrive lately and I thought I would take the opportunity to highlight all the places the Hackerspace is represented online. These are the resources that you can visit or consume to get the most out of the space.
First, our website:
This should be your first destination, everything else is linked from here. Our website hosts a blog of activities at the space, upcoming events calendar and all the essential official content, such as the wiki, rules, policies and other helpful links. Members are welcome to write for our Blog if they wish, Everyone should feel free to help out on the Wiki. Be sure to follow the links on the thanks page to our sponsors, they love your visits.
We use Meetup.com to schedule and arrange regular events, Meetup is used by a large number of Melbourne Technology groups and so it enables people to have a single Calendar across multiple organisations and helps the Hackerspace reach a wider audience.
Google Groups AKA The Mailing List:
Groups can be visited in the browser or subscribed to in email.
- The Main List – All things HackMelbourne, open discussion of tech, a great resource
- The Commercial List – Job Adverts, Special Deals, Your own Adverts for your business, Selling stuff, It all goes here and keeps the main list clean.
- Kent Lane – A special list for those working on the Hackerspace itself, its equipment and group projects.
Social Media:
We are also on the big three.
- Facebook – We try and keep it up to date with the same content as our Blog.
- Twitter – Event notification and other headlines.
- Google Plus – Underutilised but still hiding there.
Club Management:
- https://cchs.tidyclub.com/ – TidyClub is our club management portal and payment provider for processing credit cards. You have probably already seen it when you signed up to be an awesome member of our ‘space. TidyClub also allows us to email paying members direct with exclusive deals from our sponsors.
- https://drive.google.com – Google Drive, All Committee documentation and Materials are stored and shared in Google Drive (in case you were wondering.)
- connected-community-committee [at] googlegroups.com – Email the Committee mailing list to contact the committee. (Be aware that anything confidential or sensitive should go direct to the secretary or president.)
Hope that helps, we realise that we have a large footprint, We do our best to cross link everything to help you navigate.
Cheers Dave Chanter President