About the CCHS

The CCHS is a community-operated workshop, where people can meet and work on technology projects. We enjoy getting together to build new and challenging technology projects and exciting gadgets for fun! We meet several times every week and welcome visitors and newcomers who wish to make things and learn about technology. You don’t need to be an expert to participate. We are continually accumulating and building new equipment and tools along with developing the skills to use them. Many of our members are quite knowledgeable in a range of areas and like offering help to others. Whether it be electronics, metalwork, 3D printing, woodwork, laser cutting, software, rocketry, machining… we most likely have a member who has experience in the field. Many projects cover more than one discipline, so having someone who you can ask “How do I go about doing this?” is amazingly useful, and avoids you making many mistakes first time round.

Some of our members have their own workshops or garage spaces, in some cases with large amounts of tools and equipment. Yet they still come along to the HackerSpace. Why? It’s simple. The people. Through collaboration, we can produce some amazing things. We assist people with their own projects and we conduct group projects that are collaborative. It’s just as much fun to connect people as it is to connect gadgets. We get involved in larger events, such as the Monash MakerFaire. For further information on what we do, check out our GitHub where many of our projects are documented.

The CCHS operates on a ‘replace what you use’ basis for consumables and members are expected to understand and respect the community sharing “free for everyone” mindset of the hackerspace. Selfish exploitation of the space or its members for commercial purposes is not what the space is about. That said, business proposals and offers of partnerships or sponsorships are always welcome – please refer to our commercial mailing list on the Get in Touch page.

To view our Rules and Policies, which all members and guests are expected to adhere to, please click here.

Meetings and Activities

The CCHS meets several times a week. For more information, please view the meetings on our Calendar. Upcoming meetups are also visible on the right-hand side of the home page.

Membership and Fees

The CCHS has Membership and Facility Fees that help cover our day-to-day operation costs. Please head on over to the fees page to see the current breakdown of membership fees. Special arrangements (reduced fees) can be made upon request for members in situations of hardship. These are reviewed on an individual case-by-case basis. Please contact the committee if you wish to access this.


The CCHS is located at 5 Kent Lane, Hawthorn, easily accessible by public transport and close to a range of shops.

Look for the big yellow door along Kent Lane (please note – there is no access from Burwood Road).

Map screenshot of CCHS location

Entrance of CCHS


The CCHS is an Incorporated Association in the state of Victoria. We have Rules of Association that govern how we operate administratively and legally. As part of this, we elect a Committee as chartered in the rules. The current committee was elected Tuesday the 11th of February 2025. The committee can be contacted via the Contact us page.

They are:

PositionElected Representative
Vice PresidentChris M
TreasurerLachlan C
Regular MembersBrett, Julio

The committee take care of a lot of the work needed to keep the CCHS running but like every HackerSpace, the CCHS is about its members and without their help, we couldn’t exist. If you’d like to help out please contact one of the team.