Thar be lasers.
Luke & Rob went to town on the now-functional laser cutter! They got it gobbling G-Code and didn’t stop until the doors closed : ) We just need to get the ventilation shafts sorted and we can witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle station! this excellent tool in more general use!
A busy 3d printing night
Was a flat out night at the hackerspace tonight for our twice monthly 3d printing night. Lots of different 3d printers on show.
Signs, Sewing and Lasers
Quite a busy Tuesday evening general session this week! Jen got our sign one step closer to finished, then sat down to do some needlework (not quite ‘sewing’, but alliteration is Important!). Greg got stuck into the Garduino project. Shane restrung the seat for his recumbent tricycle. Bob and Luke made with the lasers. One step closer
CNC Mill – Now with covery goodness!
The other night, John and Bob (along with some others) constructed and put a cover on the CCHS mini-mill! Now you can watch your milling projects without safety glasses by the soft yellow glow of the hinged casing. More improvements to the mill upcoming!