As promised, here’s a big old giant blog post of all the stuff we got up to at Comic Con this weekend. A big shout out to the whole team for pulling together and getting this happening!
First, Day 1.
Hackerspace members were involved in two presentations on Saturday. April gave a talk about using 3D printers in the morning and in the afternoon Andy and Dayle talked about robot building. We had a dedicated team on the booth with lots of interest in 3D printing and the maker movement in general!
…And it was never that clean and empty again…
Unwrapping Han
A Helmet in the making
April talks 3D printers
A rare break in the traffic
Labcoats make everything more official
Riddle me this?
We didn’t have the only gun from Mass Effect there.
That’s the second biggest Iron Man hand I’ve ever seen!
Who you lookin’ at?
Ahh, just April and Lachlan
Dave talks to people.
Jen talks to people.
K9 on his way to the Robotics Talk
James dropped in.
The Skull of Fate has SPOKEN!
Crenn and Roxy as the Mechromancer and Zero.
The 3D printer pulled lots of onlookers.
So did the Skull of Fate.
Lots of people
Dave meeting people.
And yet more people…
Day 2 started a little quieter, but that didn’t last long.
Pink rabbit is….Saluting?
There was always someone watching the printer.
Dave has an engaged crowd
Luke’s up all night to get Loki…..(apologies to Daft Punk)
Dave gets interviewed!
Still doing our best for science
Getting quieter
The Mercs are still on patrol
K-9 rolls around
Zoomed from the balcony
Nearly pack up time
Before the crowds.
*insert evil laughter*
Some early interest
Robots on patrol
Hackerspace explained.
The crowds keep coming
I don’t like the way K-9 is looking at that bone.
The Professor is IN
What wisdom does the Skull of Fate hold?
And lastly, here’s a clip of people visiting the 3D printer (ignore the date on the footage. cheap camera is cheap).
Dave also got interviewed for the Oz Comic Con YouTube channel. His bit starts at 1:54 in 🙂