Start of the month and the 3D printing crowd are back in action. Lots of new people came along and a few brought their 3D printers. The laser cutter got some repair work done by Rob B & Michael S, while Rob G fired up the mini mill. A productive night all round!
Stuart printing in transparent ABS (this print lifted – bed temp was too low by accident).
Holger printing parts for his new Prusa i3 on his old Mendel Max.
Holger’s aluminium frame for his new Prusa i3.
Another printer in need of some help from the 3D printing crew.
Rob G setting up the Mini Mill for a job.
Jen’s OrdBot getting nearer completion.
The (original) broken mount for the laser tube.
Rob B & Michael S are designing a replacement.
Stuart printing a cat.
Rob G using the Mini Mill.
Finished cat printed by Stuart (Black ABS).
Dave C printing an Octopus (Blue ABS).
Rob G gives Jen some advise on assembling her peristaltic pump/extruder.
Another Mendel Max, half way built but coming along nicely.
Finished test objects. From left to right:
Laywoo-D3, Black ABS, Clear ABS (lifted from bed), Clear ABS (bed too hot)