On Saturday the tv was mounted in the back room.
Tuesday was a bit quiet after 3D printing night on Monday.  No photos from the 3D printing, I guess everyone was too busy having fun 🙂
There was a few extra activities on Tuesday too.
Ballarat Hackerspace had it’s first meeting.  You can check out some photos at https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151763028612078.1073741838.750227077&type=1&refid=56&ref=m_notif¬if_t=like and we have one here for a sneak peak.
And lastly, a big congratulations to Jon Oxer, freetronics and the whole Ardusat/NanoSatisfi team for getting their cube-sat IIIIINNNN SPPPPPPAAACE.  The die hards at the space last night sat down and watched the launch on NASA’s ustream channel (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-iss-stream).  Screenshot of the launch at https://twitter.com/ISS101/status/402773267024330752/photo/1 and https://twitter.com/AstroIllini/status/402932447173545984/photo/1