Tuesday Night is Open Night / CCHS / By John Spencer George-Eric works on his pedals. George-Eric’s bracket looking purposeful Power supplies! Peeling paper off keyrings for Oz Comic Con this weekend David get’s ready for his Argot presentation. Very cool scenes in David’s presentation The Laser cutter is sad 🙁 Dave prints out parts for a Star Wars prop. Damien did some more construction on his Mendel Max 2.0 All the busy people. JC was pretty happy with her 3d printed earrings! This thing measures the air volume moved by an air conditioner. Converting a jpg to a vector. Fix it! FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT! Bob can fix it. Kind of, focusing is a bit out. Insert $1.00 to Discover the True Wisdom of the SKULL O’ FATE!! If you Dare! A skull token, obviously.