Tuesday session with awesome 3D printing / CCHS, CNC Mill, General Meetings / By Lachlan Fancy 10Ah charger from Kogan Bob’s impressive design is getting better Andy’s colour changing ping pong balls (excellent diffusers) Nice looking adapter. Lots of Yellow getting printed right now This 10cm button just screams “hit me” Flexible 1W solar cell from Adafruit i.Materialise’s sample sheet. Grab one, we have lots Waterjet cut bed Very impressive 12mm AL cut using waterjet The CNC mini mill can even level its own bed The stainless sample from i.Materialise Leather clad NFC card Michael’s latest creation Look closely at the heads Arachnid circuit cards are great Kogan’s entire range of USB battery packs Ask Dave about this impressive notepad Triangular Kogan battery pack And the other end