It was very quiet this Tuesday. I suspect the poor weather combined with people preferring the 3D printer night on Monday and the Robots day on Wednesday.
Nevertheless, we greeted a few new visitors and the die-hard members made sure it was a hive of production and hacking!
Gav is trying out some ideas for project blocks/boxes
Adric has been trying his hand at laser cutting parts for his own Drone
This conversation ended up in an in-depth look at aliexpress
Shane has been turning up some green wood.
My designed/built in a day model train controller box. Designed in Sketchup then laser cut at the space.
Say hello to our glowy doorway.
At this point, a single strip of neopixels and a leostick.
Turn the heater on first, or stay past midnight. The choice is yours
Printing in progress
Phototool ready to expose
Exposing the Kinsten in the uv [s]nail curer[/s] state of the art exposure unit
Developing the kinsten pattern
the Lifx bulb makes a good red lamp for this kind of stuff.
it takes a while…
Commence bubble etch
Helping some tracks separate…
Removing the last of the photoresist – almost done.
A nice red glow from the doorway LED’s peeks out of the roller door.
For all those frequent readers of, we’ve created an entry in their hackerspaces listing. You can have a look at—Melbourne-Hackerspace and even add yourself as a member if so inclined. It’s also a great place to have a look around at what other spaces around the world look like!
We’ve also made some updates to this site (thanks Stuart!) the calendar in the right hand bar should now load quicker, and you can get more details simply by hovering.